the returning avatars

Designed to Evolve

We have entered a new chapter in human history amazingly enough, as weird as it may sounds. In current demolition stage, in viewing the surface it may look like nothing but chaos and darkness. Like an endless chapter of deep threats, uncertainty, and instability that kind of speak to the very core of human and planetary existence. Like a constant holocaust warning swirling around upon the Earth and over the global population. Day in and day out humanity is fired up with unwelcome news. Bad news first thing in the morning. More worrisome news as the last thing every night before bedtime. And in the spectrum between. In every waking minute of your daily existence. During your sleep time you are not only sleeping with shocking news you welcomed and accepted into your system. You are also sleeping with the enemies. Apart from the fact that humanity is being frequency programmed in this manner this is utterly a successful way to mind control a whole collective. Indeed, you are sleeping with the enemy. To grasp these things and many other layers we are speaking of that perhaps you never heard about we need to break down such news of awareness into smaller units of information. As mentioned times before we are speaking of current ascension cycle and upcoming disclosure event.  It is important to understand for all ascending people in reading you’re looking through a different pair of binoculars in which you may or may not resonate what you are looking at. It is wise to work on observer level and to cultivate neutral association as our capacity to adapt and upgrade in spite of all core challenges makes us go forward. The Ascension process became the necessity to retain the original divine blueprint for the Human Soul. We are in an accelerated ascension plan which mean we are undergoing some very profound and rapid changes individually as collectively. It’s like a fast-track travel through a security system though and the quickest way to pass through as the pressure cooker for global awakening is turned up. Current internal shake up and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. Current external shake up and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. The steady flow of intense and large-scale changes can clearly be overwhelming and deeply challenging for many of us at this time. As current internal shake up and transformation as well. Either way, how we view the outer landscape or how we comprehend more restriction or sudden collapses or the internal changes is directly connected to our current awareness level or lens of consciousness. Observer level as cultivating neutral association is pure sanity during such profound and ungraspable transition.  Many people that never heard about the process of ascension or disclosure event tend to get triggered by this kind of information and sometimes at the messenger hence projections are very common. However, at the end of the day each must ask how much you are willing to know after all. From this perspective, I would prefer humanity being healed and activated and snapped out of consciousness traps and help the planet ascend rather than being enslaved disconnected from the soul, and used by some negative forces without even know it. Clearly, with such prison state and enslavement status we can’t really care about what others may or may not think about us. And for sure if your number is being called we act accordingly in core direct knowing that the ascension process is a pure necessity for humanity to retain the original divine blueprint for the human soul.    Clearly, humanity is living through a great transition that is directly related to spiritual ascension cycle and a rapid paradigm shifts in consciousness. At the same time we are in a parallel process to current planetary emancipation that has to do with disclosure event. Yet, most of humanity have no idea what we are going through at this point in time. In fact, most humans do not understand what people like me are talking about or the information we are putting out. Therefore a larger part of the collective is incapable to consciously participate in the transition and unable to connect let`s say reality dots. In that sense some of us are simply ahead of our time. It is crucial to recognize we are dealing with two different processes and at issue two opposite directions in terms of further de-evolution versus organic alignment as per humanity’s future evolution. We are speaking of consciousness, a paradigm shifts in consciousness.    Now as weird as it may sounds we have entered a new chapter in human history, amazingly enough, and without even know it. Yet, we are in the very beginning phases regarding humanity’s future direction. In other words, this is essential building blocks. In current dismantling and demolition stages in viewing the surface level it may look like nothing but chaos like another era of 26,000 year or so of darkness. It seems like an endless looping episode of existential threats, uncertainty and such instability that kind of speak to the very core of human and planetary existence. It’s like a constant holocaust warning swirling around the Earth and over the global population. Humans, frequency wise operates from the lower octave in the spectrum of fear. Global trauma-based mind control and trauma bonding keep the loop going. There are forces in power and multiple agenda tactics put in place to ensure global trauma-based mind control-frequency looping on a global scale. We must acknowledge media manipulation however we are looking at activities as one aspect such as consciousness traps that a far deeper than selling points to buy some candy or a new car. When mainstream media becomes misuse of power with intent to misinform the public to deceive or lie with intent to mind control the global population such actions of harming the human race is beyond the shadow of a doubt crimes made against humanity.  Media of today is also playing a huge role of problem, reaction and solution tactic. This is no coincidence supporting multiple agendas. The frequency of existential fear

On a more optimistic note, people DO wake up!

It is kind of surreal to observe the enslavement systems put in place aka Operation Prison Planet (OPP) on planet Earth. At the same time witnessing the global awakening process in current stages and all of the heinous attacks hence obvious inhuman strategies intentionally targeting the human race. Most people lack operational awareness, mind blocks, of these highly calculated conditions put in place. Such blindspots put humans into a succeful submission race as into the category systemslave prototype taking steps and participating as co-creating the enslavement bonding with the highly operational malicious agenda forces, to keep the non-human systems running down here. Most humans believe they are a free speices within the matrix of control. This tells us how deep the damage layers really goes with a blindfolded collective creating their own fall. Even with all visual facts and first hand experience humans are willing to go the extra miles to defend these non-human structures operating as loyal slaves, abandon their own soul becoming Judas to their own kind. Clearly, we are dealing with some heavy blockages both damaging as trapped consciousness as we are witnessing humanity blocking their own way to achive personal and global freedom and liberation. Humanity are still voting for their own global enslavement to carry on hence we are looking at some severe self enforced enslavement patterns and global Stockholms syndrome dynamics equal to a prison planet and a prison state of the souls. On a more optimistic note, people DO wake up. True brave souls are taking actions across the globe in service to God’s divine plan of ascension, freedom and Liberation for all Life! Love, Marie

We Are Sailing Together

Beloved Collective. On a deeper level our core being and spirit are basically whispering and hoovering around us at this time, gentle yet more than ever trying to get our attention on we can´t run escape or hide from our own spiritual journey. Neither from God´s divine plan for humanity. We are participants in which consciousness has chosen to experience various form. In our experience there are active forces of interference and distractions systems that kind of function like a challenging detour being heightening at this time. It just is. However, from our part we need to tune in and place our attention inwards We are participants if you wish in a ”all-consciousness-event” in a dimensionalized system yet in God source non-dimensionalized system of existence. Basically, in most simple words of painting we as a collective are here to wake up from this mess of experience. We are here clean up the mess. And we are here to heal from this experience to repair, built or activate our organic template and to restore the divine plan for humanity as a collective. We are at different stages on our path of spiritual awakening and that is just fine right therefore some information will resonate with some people, in other cases not. Different sharings will speak to you like a vibrational match while some information will not. It just is. With that said creating from the space of love, yourself or with a beloved divine counterpart is something that many of us are deeply longing for at this time. And such longing is nothing but beautiful when we feel or hear this calling inside our heart and core being. The pain however and interference must be understood from the place that we need healing and deeper healing and further correction in that anything and all that is not coming from a space of love needs our attention, self-love and self-care. A wounded and damage warrior is just a wounded warrior. Hurt people hurt people. We need to sort out the net of codependency and unhealthy cordings, end manipulation and ego dominance and related projections and victim mentalities. We are here to support each through this challenging times and intense transitions phases. To translate this further we are asked to stand up to a very dark and hidden force that we seen rise before in the history of our planet, a past dynamic in present time. To align to our organic trajectory we need to face current recycling and to stand up once again. Love you! Love, Marie

We have to give it all, to have it all!

Chink in one’s armor! First of all let us be crystal clear about that the negative forces on and off planet that are warring against humanity do NOT want us to heal or coming online or to get a clean plate or to experience what love really looks like. They are doing the absolutely most unimaginable to keep us in fear and pain, living in the shadows with blinfolders on so we don´t see what is really going on or remember who we really are. While they cloak themselves or perhaps more so cloacking all heinous agendas playing out, on the surface or behind the scene strings. We have to understand that these operations are going on in all pillars of society. Point blank period! And this is far deeper than our physical eyes can ever perceive. If you still are corded to TV progamming or hand over your power and trust to current political arena, your government or the authorities that shape system slaves simply means one is run by the controlled third dimensional reality, in some shape or form. This also mean lack of awareness. One the other side of the coin however where consciousness expansion is taking place the depth of understanding and our ability to see and read this matrix is in constant change. This means galactic consciousness will enter your reality. It is time to expand! I want to come back to healing and draw your attention to the supporting waves. On the consciousness awakening path one of the most essential part is healing clearing the pain body. Basically, whatever tools works for you as we need and are called to push through the triggers to heal at this time. This is key, crucial and necessary. Keep that close to your heart. However, there are many ego-gurus and pied pipers and false modalities out there to draw in people and souls into incorrect mathematical patterns. Something to be very mindful of as many of us know we are dealing with spiritual warfare as well. Outermost simplified, just to get a ”scale feeling” we know we are more or less healed when we don’t carry the stories anymore, negatively like a heavy burden in our heart. When we don´t get emotional triggered or being very upset into a dark and deep sadness or being pulled back into a past chapter that really take us out of alignment, like open bleeding wounds of heartbreak, bitterness, revenge or coldness. Basically intensified platforms effecting the emotional, mental or physical body in painful and burdensome manner. The ascension path is all about healing, multidimensional healing yet we are at different stages, some in the beginning of their healing journey while others are master healers. The healing work will continue and expand into more larger sections and body of work far beyond the third dimensional reality. The inne journey and the ”landing places” meaning those spaces and pocket in each reality are really calling for out attention at this time. The supporting waves of multiple fashion has already arrived and in continuation of such support pouring into the planet it is key, crucial and necessary to connect with your heart and your emotional body. For those versed in different matrices, horizontal bodies or are heavy in the works at the first 6 dimensions/chakras the ”clock” can be helpful. You can do a whole map and fill the gap if you wish with information, as a tool or roadmap handy when nedeed. Remember, they will use every chink in your armor against you. Observer point will help you detect blind spots and inorganic formulas and incorrect circuitries. . We have to give it all, to have it all! I Love You! Love, Marie

The Soul is the New Driver. The Heart is the Fuel.   

It is important to understand that this manipulated reality is built on mind control, manipulation, lies, deception, abuse of power and total control over the human population. When we are not being inner directed, we are most likely directed by external pressures to conform. As seeking approval and validation from a group, community or in the world at large rather than guided by one´s innate internal system and organic divine nature. Most of us can relate to the surface structure being nested and encapsulated with the outer domain. Appearance, how things appear, superficiality programs of manufactured function settings to fit an outside-in world. Like a prearranged and organized human toy which everything is mapped out for. A system slave created on fallen life architecture recycling in a cause-and-effect loop inside the system walls. The matrix of control makes us believe that system slaves live in freedom and some sort of democracy and that the structures are created for your own good and in the best interest of humanity. In truth we are programmed to stand up each morning in service to the matrix of control throughout the whole visitation and existence on the prison planet. Until your slave contract is null and void.   Humanity needs to change trajectory. And we must reclaim our freedom in order to exit the matrix of control. Unfortunately, the fallen ego´s on the earth plane are desperately aiming to bring humanity with them, further down the scale. Desperately enough to commit crimes against humanity. We need to replace the ego program and remove the damaging disc from our body computer and etheric system, restore the settings and replace all the inorganic and obsolete programs with our organic template and true blueprint. It is important to understand your part, participation as no one can do it for you. The ego is not in charge of this process. You can’t buy yourself free nor cheat. Your soul is your new driver. And your heart is the fuel.  We are not here to give our support to current global genocidal campaign. We are not here to fulfil the psychopath’s future dreams. We are not here to be programmed slaves. We are not here to be system slaves. We are not here to be a collective herd, blindfolded taking orders from self-cantered corrupt leaders driven by psychopathic ego desires and abuse of power. We are not here to manifest their anti-human agendas. We are not here to give our support to the manipulated version of this reality that enslave the human population. Period!  We are here to wake up. We are here to change humanity’s trajectory. And so it is!  Love, Marie 

The Matrix of Control 

I want to start by saying that it is not easy to write about difficult topics. How can you write about crimes against humanity without making someone feel frightened or worried. How can you write about unawareness without insulting the collective. And many other subjects without stepping on someone’s toes. It’s not easy my friends and please know, I have no intention to cause any fear nor paint insulting energies. Recently I had an email conversation with an old friend that has no clue whatsoever about ascension or disclosure and I painted a very short and basic version. The response I got really hit me and not to mention how difficult and heavy this can be to grasp or digest. I’m sorry to say but the thing is people will be pushed to know the truth whether we want it or not. Whether we like it or not. Many completely unprepared. This blog section will be shorter posts and the content is primarily for readers who are waking up.  We have an interesting situation on planet Earth. However, this is a very challenging and painful phase, and many people are in despair and suffer greatly in silence and in loneliness. The swing belt is tightened, and the controllers are in the making of another straitjacket. Most people that are caught up in the control matrix are unaware of its existence. Therefore, unknowingly this global blind spot provides the enslavement structures, maintenance and continuation. It may sound harsh and kind of a cruel angle however such approach doesn’t make it any less true. There is something that finally the collective must come to realize. The power groups behind the orchestration and manufactured reality do not want the public to have any clarity or clue of what is really going on. It is beyond human comprehension what kind of distortions and extreme efforts we are dealing. The most accessible and mildest way to voice these key players is from the lens of psychopathic or sociopathic profile with a lack of empathy and highly undersized to no remorse for killing or harm others. They spend ridiculous amount of time, effort and money to keep the population in slumberland that is pulled into tons of meaningless distractions for the purpose to keep the herd distracted into full-on and constant distraction mode. They bombard us with never-ending fear tactics that creates anxiety, pain and inner turmoil to keep the collective in a lower vibrational state throughout the day and night. Corded and trapped in the wheel of addiction webbing of alcohol, drugs, medicine, shopping, gambling and sex and seduction games to cope the void and survival state, loneliness or depression with anti-soul therapy on daytime. They control the collective believe system and our perception to keep the collective herd locked into the control matrix addicted to material things and money chained to the external world. The purpose of the manipulators is to instigate fear under constant stress and fully engaged in the material world, too busy to even know or recognize your own soul. The award for soul-less humans, for being a good and obedient system slave your name gets to shine on the social score list, they created. The false security we are constantly seeking in a world outside ourselves are rather pathetic rewards for the payment of imprisoning one´s soul. It is important to know that the body may die but consciousness never dies, and your soul knows thing that your 3D ego consciousness and programmed mind do not. We need to wake up before as your soul and consciousness belongs to you not the slave system nor the predators that governs your body, mind and soul in the matrix of control. It is important we start to connect the dots and understand the implication of anti-human and the enslavement strategies and structures. No matter how difficult the path is, the quest for the truth is part of the soul calling that is intertwined with tangible elements based in the organic architecture as truth vibration that resides in heart and spirit which is the portal to your soul and higher consciousness.    Love, Marie

Life is Catching Up. 

Perhaps ascension mastery is not tailored for fainted hearts however in exchange for a more sober and clear view we need to take off the delusional rose-colored glasses the negative forces “generously” mass created for the global population. Many people have not yet puzzle out or started investigating correlations and interconnectedness with reference to ascension and disclosure timeline the dynamics between and the plain criminal and authoritative manifested global control system of fascism. Nor recognizing the current stage or benevolent intervention in the wake of a necessary global collapse.   In the phase of there is no turning back correlated dynamics related to planetary liberation and spiritual freedom indicates the volume will increase concerning chaos and combative control. To the hilt and outlawed the sound of things will move towards higher notes of scarcity, alarming tactics and inhuman implementations. Those against evolution of human consciousness and planetary liberation are fighting for their positions and ownership over this planet hence over all inhabitants. From a predatory perspective planet Earth and humanity belongs to them. Joined negative forces behind the global master-slave structure wilfully and by design shaped the collective into mass conformity to the point humanity enforce their own enslavement. Clueless and without resistance submitting and conforming to abuses of power supporting the intentional master-slave design and the criminal forces behind it.  Tyrannic leadership in a promising package sound like for your own good in humanity’s best interests. Needless to say, they must look good asserting the right intentions sounding and bearing in disguise all-caring leadership leading humanity in the right future direction, they convincingly claim. In point of fact, they are trapped in their own choices of power dynamics operative and in service to an entropic and parasitic reality. They are the executers. The misuse of power and control intentionally as wrongfully and knowingly keep humanity trapped in the matrix of control. Currently, to mess-up and degrade human DNA to the same degree carrying out numerous and varied crafty agendas attempting to stop planetary liberation and in identical manner deliberately interfere attempting to slow down current transition.  Chapters like galactic history or cosmology grants a broader view similar to a universal umbrella providing binoculars of a more panoptic lens related to current transition and multiple and interrelated timelines. In actuality and moreso speaking of consciousness. In respect that a larger group of the population is still asleep to the facts that negative forces are working heavily and diligent against humanity it is equally important to understand panoptic lens or not we can’t run or suppress anything anymore as everything hidden comes to light on every possible level, known and unknown to us. In other words, planet Earth and all inhabitants as a system under the universal umbrella are directly interconnected with other systems in exchange that directly affecting personal and global ground level as multiple multidimensional levels. From this perspective there are numerous dynamics at one and the same time beyond the surface of the planet. Benevolent and malevolent forces in related dynamics with benevolent and malevolent forces on Earths playground.  This is crucial and an essential part in the process of global awakening and planetary ascension. However, there are multiple issues that we must come in terms and the name of the game is awareness and being informed. Denial will only cause delay and greater suffering on a personal level. Currently humanity is stuck in a trance-like state of illusion connected to an awareness field and consciousness level based on the reality matrix of control. People that are locked-in and caught in the controlled 3D webbing will most likely be shown what’s been hidden before they will find their way out. However, every human being is given the choice at some level or at any given point in time to stop for a minute to allow common sense or critical thinking to come forth in order to investigate realities. In the matrix of control intellectuals are highly valued in their blindness taking on the parameters or measurable factors that defines a system or conditions of its operation like locked-in academic programming. The evidence-based formalities and adapted structures are constructed and controlled by the matrix. In this reality everything is.   Every faculty, every organisation, every authority and every single system in society in each country in global totality is ultimately run by the matrix of control and the top forces that runs the matrix. They own every resource on the planet and they are in ownership of every system slave. At the end of the day system slaves are highly valued to the system of control. And the collective amnesia status is the glue keeping the system in place. A desirable title won’t change the facts that humans are used as pawns making the system going each as a cog in the corrupted wheel. If you don’t bring in money to the system, there are multiple other ways to make money out for you. Less desirable or innocent exposed children are used for many other things in their making for money such as lab experimentations, podophile rings at highest level or missing people for Illegal organ trading and other heinous activities.  Clearly this system is a world of distortion run by predatory fallen maniacs. You do not need to be on the ascension and disclosure path to see and experience such conclusion. The question is do we want to look at it and face the ugly unpleasant truth. The controllers however want to keep us in kindergarten status being ”cared” for as dumb down children in grown ups bodies. For your own good in the best interests of humanity. Are we grown ups enough to meet the true meaning of the choice point humanity is facing right now.  On a more personal level life is catching up for each and every one of us. The law of cause and effect as a ”consciousness teacher, regulation and guideline advisor” as even-handed ultimately care for propelling core alignment. May the freedom to choose or