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"Saying the Unsaid"


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This Is Not For The Faint Of Heart. As We Are Undergoing Ascension Awakening, Contributing To Truth As Fully Committed To One's Ascension Process. Ascension Freedom and Liberation For All Life Is All There Is

Hi There, I'm Marie

In my space I’m the voice of consiousness, and I’m exceptional good at one thing. I’m fully dedicated to my own evolution process that never dies, with zero need to prove myself. Currently, I’m in the process creating a new space to share my piece with you guys.

Now in the midst of the global intensified transition we need to pay attention to our personal transformation. This is essential. In truth it is a necessity not a luxury. A major key point in the individual process is multidimensional awareness as self-improvement to rise like a phoenix from the ashes if you wish. In essence the Ascension Process is a context for human beings to support humanity’s transition. From a deeper level you will recognize your own calling as the next step of your personal evolution. In truth we are not here to serve or entertain people’s egos. This is the lifetime we bring back Humanity’s Soul into this realm as true walking embodiment.

If you truly want to see changes in this world it is time to get serious with yourself. This is your next step in human evolution. Your soul’s calling.

A shift in consciousness is the embodiment of your soul.

Welcome to The Returning Avatars!

Below You Will Find Some Blended Suggestions For The Purpose Of Exploration Inspiration And Research

Highlights For Diligent Research


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Share Your Story

You may share your personal process, anonymous if you wish. Every story is unique still a testimony for the human race. This is a planetary event, and we are sailing together on rough waters.

While uploaded you will find Share Your Story here

Mass Consciousness Global Awakening

This is a very important time in human history. We have finally arrived inside the arrangement as we enter a new phase in mass consciousness global awakening. This is the part and process of consciousness reset, and the evolution of the whole planet. This can be very difficult for the human aspect to accept or understand. To prepare the population to embrace this opportunity we need to take note at the dynamics at the two sides of the same coin that are closely interconnected in the process of True Freedom on this planet. Planetary Liberation and The Ascension Process is One And the Same.

This is the true core essence of every human being’s highest potential 

A way to deeper examine these key codes and evolutionary mindset is basically close to a neutral position of non-resistance. And clearly we need to walk in the shoes of true core courage to discover this truth. Now, this will challenge the ego consciousness and every implanted preception on this planet. At this point in time the collective mindset is governed by controlled and corrupt information, AI infiltration and matrix programming or mind control. Altogether this is heinous strategies to overpower the organic function to think critically and independently to create a successful global compliance. Ultimately, and over time controlled herd consciousness molds into obedience without questioning any order or authority. This state of hijacked consciousness is detrimental. At this stage humans reinforce their own enslavement without even know it. As identified the dynamics within the case of Stockholms Syndrome humanity has developed a highly twisted bond with their captors. And most people are unaware that global denial is the negative forces protection. In point of fact, the protector shield cover up the Luciferian and Satanic forces at the expense of our children and multiple other crimes against the human race. This ignorance must come to an end. We are witnessing the express train and next stop Dystopian Nightmare happening in real time. Understand that very reason you come here.

 We must walk in true courage in order to face it all

We are undergoing a very harsh and challenging yet powerful transition. The undeniable issue within this dynamic however is that humans evidently are programmed to believe that this visible and current state of reality is the only one, and perhaps with even deeper distortions in this manipulated matrix led to believe that the world as we came to know it is built on the principles of truth. Nothing can be further from the truth. In actuality, humanity has been in deep cult programming for a very long time subjected to multiple harmful attacks, without even know it. And at this stage humans are totally blindsided to the facts that humanity are the real target in a war of total human control. The level of deception and criminal lies are so unfathomable sophisticated and run so deep that the human eye and the collective perceptional field are operating outside the warring radar of the war against the human race. Sadly, while the people of earth are making careers as system slaves and loyal to a non-human credit social score system of multiple hidden agendas with the final goal of a global dystopian nightmare, humans are totally blindsided to what is truley going on in the world at large and in their everyday life. In a very bizarre way humans put their trust in the captors hand.

 The negative forces against humanity, and the warring psycopaths on the ground

It is critical to comprehend current conditions we are dealing with that the criminal psychopaths that runs this planet will never ever stop. Period! They will implement every warring strategy and take every necessary step to fulfil their conquer task, and dystopian agenda. Make no mistake about the psychopathic nature and the misuse of power we are witnessing. Now as we come to understand the human race is standing at a crossroads in real-time. Each one of us will come to face the same choice point. We do not battle the criminal psychopaths on their terms. Our victory is consciousness and our deep love for this planet and the human race. Not guns, false gods or divide and conquer. Every human being need to rise up as one human race as one human soul. At this point we understand the urgency and key code to fully participate and be in charge of our personal evolution with a greater purpose to restore true sovereignty on this planet. Take to heart whoever controls the mind controls the soul and body as they intentionally create destruction in the human race and human genome.

The simple yet universal truth must be taken as this understanding starts with you

The Krystal Star frequency Are Hosting This Planet. We can choose directly to participate with our upgraded potential of personal quantum leap evolution as self actualise your spiritual purpose in the course of this incarnation. By Design and Divine Authority to restore Original Angelic Human Sovereignty on this planet.

5 Takeaways To Ponder About

  • Ascension and Disclosure In Present Time

    In connection to this path it must be said that it is essential to comprehend a basic understanding in both subjects in order to integrate and utilize correlations in your own process. This will also lay the foundation how to navigate the world of forces, to dicipline your mind and bring forth more clearity around correction as clearing and healing work that needs to be done. Higher lightbody activations requires multiple changes over time. How we think, how we live, how we act and behave, what we eat etc. We have to dive in and observe obsolete patterns. How you treat yourself, how you treat others, how you treat nature and how you treat animals in everyday life set the tone for your own expansion, or contraction. You see everything is connected. The question is how much are you willing to invest in your own personal evolution to answer the call for transformation and directing your path into soul alignment and the legacy of your soul. A quick fix or jumping to the last chapter is not the answer to integration or a sustainable foundation. Now, we are moving into a new planetary cycle which complex quantum mechanics act as a springboard if you wish for this planet and all inhabitants. On a microcosmic level this basically means a quantum opportunity for each and every one of us in this lifetime. This is a choice point. No one can force you. No one can do it for you. We need to understand our true history and what is truly taking place on the planet. The other and more essential part in our personal transition is the eye-opening correlations so we truly understand the work that needs to be done here. Now this is a deep process so a way to ease it up it may be helpful think of a playstation game. We will face our own denials our procastination tactics or pure laziness. Keep in mind If you want to level up you cannot settle to stay on human ego/personality level. Or give up. You are the key to your own avatar level. In this game we call evolution we cannot expand with limited human opinions. In other words the ascension process is the embodiment of your soul and shift in consciousness. This is incension the internal and personal journey of core transformational experiences.

  • Spiritual Awakening

    In essence spiritual awakening is synonymous with the interconnected dynamics of ascension and descension. Meaning you are descending your divinity and unique signature into your physical body in the process of true embodiment of your higher identity to make a shift in consciousness or ascending in consciousness. Descending your Soul Identity is your next step i human evolution to actualize your Soul Plan in this incarnation. Now one of the crucial parts obviously in the equation of the individual evolution is participation as it is up to each one of us to activate those potentials within us. Billions upon billions of humans walking on the earth plane as we speak have no awareness whatsoever about Ascension and Disclosure In Present Time. Without being consciously aware of human potential or your divinity what are the chances to make a collective shift. Do you think it's a coincidence that negative forces in Silicon Valley controls the internet of global information. Do you think it's a coincidence that humans are living their lives like programmed zombies operating as system slaves that only responses to the matrix of control. Spiritual awakening is key. Sadly, many people on the awakening path are trapped to believe it's all about external knowledge similar to an academic test as in the matrix of control. The awareness ladder is infiltrated and hijacked and scattered into things like deep spiritual amnesia, love light syndrome or religious programming. Humans tend to get lost in their need to prove knowledge of details. Spiritual awakening and your soul’s calling outshine by nature the false and limited operation of one's ego in the quest to be right in a false reality.

  • Ascension Process

    To be updated

No One Can Do It For You

Brave Souls We Are Witnessing The Call For Transformation