the returning avatars

We have entered a new chapter in human history amazingly enough, as weird as it may sounds. In current demolition stage, in viewing the surface it may look like nothing but chaos and darkness. Like an endless chapter of deep threats, uncertainty, and instability that kind of speak to the very core of human and planetary existence. Like a constant holocaust warning swirling around upon the Earth and over the global population. Day in and day out humanity is fired up with unwelcome news. Bad news first thing in the morning. More worrisome news as the last thing every night before bedtime. And in the spectrum between. In every waking minute of your daily existence. During your sleep time you are not only sleeping with shocking news you welcomed and accepted into your system. You are also sleeping with the enemies. Apart from the fact that humanity is being frequency programmed in this manner this is utterly a successful way to mind control a whole collective. Indeed, you are sleeping with the enemy. To grasp these things and many other layers we are speaking of that perhaps you never heard about we need to break down such news of awareness into smaller units of information. As mentioned times before we are speaking of current ascension cycle and upcoming disclosure event. 

It is important to understand for all ascending people in reading you’re looking through a different pair of binoculars in which you may or may not resonate what you are looking at. It is wise to work on observer level and to cultivate neutral association as our capacity to adapt and upgrade in spite of all core challenges makes us go forward. The Ascension process became the necessity to retain the original divine blueprint for the Human Soul. We are in an accelerated ascension plan which mean we are undergoing some very profound and rapid changes individually as collectively. It’s like a fast-track travel through a security system though and the quickest way to pass through as the pressure cooker for global awakening is turned up. Current internal shake up and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. Current external shake up and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. The steady flow of intense and large-scale changes can clearly be overwhelming and deeply challenging for many of us at this time. As current internal shake up and transformation as well. Either way, how we view the outer landscape or how we comprehend more restriction or sudden collapses or the internal changes is directly connected to our current awareness level or lens of consciousness. Observer level as cultivating neutral association is pure sanity during such profound and ungraspable transition. 

Many people that never heard about the process of ascension or disclosure event tend to get triggered by this kind of information and sometimes at the messenger hence projections are very common. However, at the end of the day each must ask how much you are willing to know after all. From this perspective, I would prefer humanity being healed and activated and snapped out of consciousness traps and help the planet ascend rather than being enslaved disconnected from the soul, and used by some negative forces without even know it. Clearly, with such prison state and enslavement status we can’t really care about what others may or may not think about us. And for sure if your number is being called we act accordingly in core direct knowing that the ascension process is a pure necessity for humanity to retain the original divine blueprint for the human soul.   

Clearly, humanity is living through a great transition that is directly related to spiritual ascension cycle and a rapid paradigm shifts in consciousness. At the same time we are in a parallel process to current planetary emancipation that has to do with disclosure event. Yet, most of humanity have no idea what we are going through at this point in time. In fact, most humans do not understand what people like me are talking about or the information we are putting out. Therefore a larger part of the collective is incapable to consciously participate in the transition and unable to connect let`s say reality dots. In that sense some of us are simply ahead of our time. It is crucial to recognize we are dealing with two different processes and at issue two opposite directions in terms of further de-evolution versus organic alignment as per humanity’s future evolution. We are speaking of consciousness, a paradigm shifts in consciousness.   

Now as weird as it may sounds we have entered a new chapter in human history, amazingly enough, and without even know it. Yet, we are in the very beginning phases regarding humanity’s future direction. In other words, this is essential building blocks. In current dismantling and demolition stages in viewing the surface level it may look like nothing but chaos like another era of 26,000 year or so of darkness. It seems like an endless looping episode of existential threats, uncertainty and such instability that kind of speak to the very core of human and planetary existence. It’s like a constant holocaust warning swirling around the Earth and over the global population. Humans, frequency wise operates from the lower octave in the spectrum of fear. Global trauma-based mind control and trauma bonding keep the loop going. There are forces in power and multiple agenda tactics put in place to ensure global trauma-based mind control-frequency looping on a global scale. We must acknowledge media manipulation however we are looking at activities as one aspect such as consciousness traps that a far deeper than selling points to buy some candy or a new car. When mainstream media becomes misuse of power with intent to misinform the public to deceive or lie with intent to mind control the global population such actions of harming the human race is beyond the shadow of a doubt crimes made against humanity. 

Media of today is also playing a huge role of problem, reaction and solution tactic. This is no coincidence supporting multiple agendas. The frequency of existential fear is interesting because it weakens us in so many levels. Physically emotionally mentally and spiritually. Just think about it. Day in and day out humanity is fired up with disaster news. Disaster news first thing in the morning and more worrisome news every night before bedtime, and in the spectrum between. In every waking minute of your daily existence broadcasting fear news, fear news and more fear news. During your sleep time you are not only sleeping with threatening information of a negative frequency implanted into your system. Apart from the fact that humanity is being frequency programmed into the very core in such manner is also utterly a successful way to mind control the entire collective. Yes, we are sleeping with forces that are working against humanity, without even know it.  

During daytime we are working as programmed system slaves for the same forces that are working against humanity.  Without even know it. Programmed to be loyal to the system. Programmed to support the system. Programmed to not questioning the system. Programmed to defend the system.  The matrix of control on this planet is a consciousness enslavement system to enslave people’s consciousness, consequently being soul disconnected without even know it. Whoever controls the mind controls the soul. The process of ascension hence intelligence expansion is humanity’s path to evolve beyond current ego consciousness as reconnecting with one’s spiritual essence to integrate the intelligence field of your soul as physical embodiment.  

We are looking at Building Blocks as bridging awareness that has to do with Collective Consciousness and forthcoming Disclosure Event as two interconnected areas which propels humanity forward into the organic trajectory and destined future timeline. The collective dark night of the soul is turned up which means the internal shake up and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. Interconnected dynamics like current external shake up the fall of the system and necessary transformation cannot be stopped. All together the steady flow of intense and large-scale changes parallel with spiritual awakening can be highly overwhelming for a period of time. How we cope with more restriction or sudden outer collapses or the internal process is directly connected to our current awareness level and lens of consciousness.  

Remember, the ascension process is the necessity to retain the original divine blueprint for the Human Soul.  

Love always, 