the returning avatars

It is kind of surreal to observe the enslavement systems put in place aka Operation Prison Planet (OPP) on planet Earth. At the same time witnessing the global awakening process in current stages and all of the heinous attacks hence obvious inhuman strategies intentionally targeting the human race. Most people lack operational awareness, mind blocks, of these highly calculated conditions put in place. Such blindspots put humans into a succeful submission race as into the category systemslave prototype taking steps and participating as co-creating the enslavement bonding with the highly operational malicious agenda forces, to keep the non-human systems running down here. Most humans believe they are a free speices within the matrix of control.

This tells us how deep the damage layers really goes with a blindfolded collective creating their own fall. Even with all visual facts and first hand experience humans are willing to go the extra miles to defend these non-human structures operating as loyal slaves, abandon their own soul becoming Judas to their own kind. Clearly, we are dealing with some heavy blockages both damaging as trapped consciousness as we are witnessing humanity blocking their own way to achive personal and global freedom and liberation. Humanity are still voting for their own global enslavement to carry on hence we are looking at some severe self enforced enslavement patterns and global Stockholms syndrome dynamics equal to a prison planet and a prison state of the souls. On a more optimistic note, people DO wake up. True brave souls are taking actions across the globe in service to God’s divine plan of ascension, freedom and Liberation for all Life!
